Saturday, 2 December 2006

On the 2nd day of Christmas...

...I trimmed the fireplace hoping I can convince the kids it's enough decoration chez Houghton and we really don't need a tree. Why don't I want a tree? Cos I have 14 coming for Christmas dinner which means moving around the furniture which won't fit anywhere except where it is...if you know what I mean.

A tree would take up valuable space, I insist, but realise the moment I leave the house, the tree will be rescued from the cupboard under the stairs and given pride of place, where it will gather dust and dog hairs until it looks like it has its own coat as in this pic from last year.

Bah, Humbug!


Anonymous said...

We're swinging our tree from the ceiling this year. Keeps the choccies out of reach of Dotty Dog! Your picture looks like Ideal Homes, I'd say...

Sue Houghton said...

Ideal Homes?? That was last year...
This year we be mostly doing slum!