Wednesday 3 November 2010

Lazy Blogger

Yes, I know, it's been a while since I blogged, but I have an excuse...when I can think one up!
There's been a bit of heartache in our family of late and I think that's mostly to blame for my pathetic output. Weirdly, stress used to spur me on. Made me scribble furiously to put the bad things to the back of my mind but these days I seem to be overwhelmed with thoughts other than of a fictional kind. Once in a while a character will break through the fog and I'll scribble a few lines but that seems to be about all I can manage. This sort of thing has happened before so I'm not too concerned. Crap happens. I'll get over it.

So, now I've got your pity, what else has been happening here? Well, the family had a great weekend in Derbyshire last month. We took a 6 and a 2 berth tent and pitched up on a lovely campsite just outside Hope. The weather report gave showers. Ha! Bring it on!

After a late night walk in pitch darkness, aided by Google for navigation (thank you iPhone) we found a tiny pub crammed with other ramblers. The only seats were on the roof terrace beer garden where we sat watching the stars and giggling ourselves silly over what type of fart gives the best comedic effect!!

Back at the tent we found it slightly flooded but hey-ho all part of the fun. A few bottles of wine, cans of beer and Scotch eggs later we retired to our sleeping bags. Only to be awoken at around 2am by a fox munching on our left-overs! Too tired (drunk) to care we just turned over and slept till morning.

It rained most of that weekend but it didn't stop us exploring Castleton and visiting The Devil's Arse, aka Peak Cavern.

Tom even had a go at rope making.

Great fun and I can't wait until the spring when we can do it all again. But maybe without the rain!

1 comment:

Lynne Hackles said...

Perhaps the Muse has gone camping too. I usually find I'm creative at other things when I'm not writing. Enjoy the break. You'll soon be back working.