Have just heard PF will only now accept hard copy plus sae, or with a request to recycle and have a reply via email - the latter best all round, I think. But no denying it's yet another blow to the writer. I suppose they're trying to save the expense of printing out our emailed stories and passing the expense of postage on to us.
Hi, Sue,
I gave up submitting stories to People's Friends a couple of months ago! But thanks for the update. I was just thinking of trying them again but feel I'd be wasting my time. Everyone is cost cutting so I think it's only going to get worse before it gets better
Julie xx
Thanks for the update. I'm pleased they'll recycle - at least we won't have to pay for return postage.
Julie, I sub very little to PF these days. My style doesn't suit them. I like a good twist or a chiller!
And hello, Suzanne!
I have only managed to sell two stories to PF in five years. Like Sue, I don't think my style suits them. Wish I could though. I keep trying because of one the two they did accept was one I'd sent more in hope than expectation.
That last comment didn't make much sense! what I meant to say was womething to the effect that one of the sales was a story that I'd sent more in hope than expectation.... if you see what I mean!
womething?!! I'm giving up.
Paula, I understood you perfickly!
And never change your style - your recent serial in WW s excellent. You use some great one-liners - had me chuckling. And a good hook ending for the first episode! Well done, you!
I've subbed 3 serial proposals to WW and My Weekly and all refused as 'run something similar' so hopefully I'll fall on a plot no-one else has EVER in the history of serials used...if only!
You'd think they could read a couple of paras on screen and decide from them whether it was going to be worthwhile printing out the whole story? It's such a backward step not to be able to email. But, I suppose because of their reputation as a writer-friendly mag, they might need to just cut down the number of subs they get?
Thanks for your kind words, Sue. Glad you're enjoying Burying Bad News. It was such fun to write!
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